Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes: Show and Tell
February 1, 2025, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes will hold an Antiques “Show & Tell” on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 2:00 p.m. at the Geneva History Museum. This will be an opportunity for members and the public to bring their interesting antiques and vintage items to share and learn more about the objects.
Those attending may share only one item each and will be invited to tell what they know about the object. Attendees will be asked to comment. While the meeting will not include appraisals or a panel of experts, many Antiques Club members are collectors and will share their expertise. It should be an educational and enjoyable event for those attending.
The program is presented in cooperation with Historic Geneva and is free and open to the public. Meetings of the Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes are free, but membership is welcome and encouraged at $15 per year. Dues are used for room rental fees, honoraria for speakers, and modest support of social events. Programs include meetings at the Geneva History Museum, field trips, and social events.
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