Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes: Great Graphics Helped Women Get the Vote
January 22, 2022, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes will present "Great Graphics Helped Women Get the Vote” by Walt Gable and Norma Press at the Geneva History Museum. The meeting is free and open to the public and masks will be required. A virtual option is also being offered.
From posters to jewelry and sheet music to umbrellas, suffragists used hundreds of items to promote their cause. Walt and Norma will illustrate and discuss the ways suffragists skillfully used graphics to identify and promote the suffrage movement that led to the approval of the 19th Amendment to the US Constituion in 1920.
The meeting is presented in cooperation with Historic Geneva. Anyone who wishes to attend the program virtually through Zoom must register ahead of time. To register, click here. The necessary login information will be sent to registrants via email 24 hours prior to the program. For any problems with registration or to register by phone, call the Historic Geneva office at 315-789-5151. Registrations must be complete before 5 pm on January 21, the day before the program.
The Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes is in its 47th year of programming meant to foster an interest in and to increase knowledge about all fields of antiques and collectibles. Meetings are free and open to the public, but membership is welcome and encouraged at $10 per year. Programs include meetings at the Geneva History Museum, field trips and social events.
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