Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes: Western New York Redware
May 25, 2023, 7:00 pm -
Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes will host a program on Western New York redware (1800-1860) by Gene Pratt. The presentation will focus on utilitarian wares produced in Western New York State during the first half of the 19th century. Gene has collected redware over the past 40 years with a special focus on Western New York pottery. Both he and his wife, Nancy, are members of the Genesee Country Antique Dealers Association and exhibit at local and national shows. Gene will discuss some history of the industry and details of several well known potters along with a “show and tell” of pottery examples from each of the better known potters.
The meeting is presented in cooperation with Historic Geneva and is free and open to the public.
The Antiques Club of the Finger Lakes' meetings are free, but membership is welcome and encouraged at $10 per year. Programs include meetings at the Geneva History Museum, field trips, and social events. See our Facebook page for more news.
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