Becoming Well at the Water Cures of Upstate New York
April 17, 2018, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Jane Oakes is the second lecturer in our 2018 Spring Lecture series. She will dive into historic water cure therapies in upstate New York. Water cures and mineral springs became popular during the 1830s and 1840s. Many continued to exist into the 20th century. Ms. Oakes will look at what made these treatments popular, and how the two health approaches differed, as well as how water cure theories still impact our ideas about health today. Examples will include the Jackson’s Our Home on the Hillside in Dansville, the Cordelia Green Water Cure in Castile, and the sulfur springs hotels in Avon. She may also touch on Geneva’s own water cure at the Hygienic Institute on Pulteney Park.
Jane Oakes has been involved with historic education for over forty years. She has taught classes in open hearth cooking, nineteenth century schooling, and historic architecture for Genesee Country Village & Museum, was a museum studies and local history teacher for BOCES, and was the School Tours and Education Coordinator for the William Mills Mansion Museum in Mt. Morris. Ms. Oakes holds a BA in Theater and an MA in History.
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