Fossenvue by Chris Woodworth, a Staged Reading
November 2, 2021, 6:00 pm -
This staged reading of the play Fossenvue by Chris Woodworth will be held in person in the Hucker Gallery at the Geneva History Museum. For several decades Geneva suffragists Elizabeth Smith Miller and Anne Fitzhugh Miller, and many of their friends gathered across Seneca Lake at a summer camp they called Fossenvue. Inspired by research conducted at Historic Geneva, playwright Chris Woodworth weaves together past and present, imagining the early days of Fossenvue and raising difficult questions about the legacies of race and suffrage activism today.
Masks are required for the duration of the reading for all attendees. All performers will be masked throughout. Woodworth also directs the reading, which features familiar local actors including Eleanor Stearns, Katie Snyder, Joanne Saracino, Christina Roc, and Samari Brown.
Chris Woodworth is an Associate Professor of Theatre at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Part theatre historian, part theatre practitioner, she describes herself as an artist-scholar. Her research primarily addresses intersections between labor, suffrage, reproductive politics, and performance. She most recently directed the HWS Theatre/Historic Geneva production of From Beyond: Geneva’s Unheard Voices (A Theatrical Walking Tour). For more information on her artistry and scholarship, visit
This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants program, a regrant program of New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Auburn Public Theater.
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