History Happy Hour—A Brief History of Cultural Groups in Geneva
September 19, 2024, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Join Historic Geneva Curator John Marks for a short and informal History Happy Hour at Lake Drum Brewing. He will share a captioned slide show featuring images and information about the many cultural groups that have contributed to building Geneva. From early New Englanders and enslaved African Americans from the Hudson Valley to German and Irish immigrants in the 1800s to Puerto Ricans, Italians, and other twentieth century immigrant groups, learn about who has lived in the community and how their cultural traditions have impacted its history.
Come in any time, stay as long as you like! The slides will run on a continuous loop throughout the time. John will be available to chat and welcomes suggestions for future programs.
History Happy Hour :A Brief History of Cultural Groups in Geneva is part of Historic Geneva's efforts to tell all of Geneva's stories.
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