An Educated Citizenry: Education in Geneva

Class at Cortland St School.
Education has changed over the last 300 years but its value has remained constant. Basic skills like literacy and math allow workers to advance beyond simple labor. Professions like the ministry and the law have required classical learning and reasoning. New technologies require knowledge of math and science that were unimagined before.
An Educated Citizenry: Education in Geneva examines the evolution of schools, colleges, and informal learning. Expectations of who should attend school, what they need to know, and what work they can do have changed. There was resistance at every change but Geneva has always embraced learning (July 2020 – April 2021).
Want to know more? Enjoy blog articles about the founding of the Geneva School District, school architecture, segregated school in Geneva, local high school publications, and college courses in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Explore exhibits about high school and college sports in Geneva. Try school bingo.