Blog » Archive: July 2013

  • Celebrating African-American Freedom

    July 31st, 2013
    Geneva's African-American community hosted a number of emancipation celebrations in the 19th century to celebrate their freedoms while protesting slavery and racial inequality.
  • Lighting the Scene

    July 26th, 2013
    Development of gas and electrical lighting.
  • Swine Driver and Pound Keeper for Geneva in 1852

    July 24th, 2013
    Chronicling the problem of loose animals like livestock in Geneva, New York during the 1800s through newspapers and government records.
  • When Hobby Meets Work

    July 17th, 2013
    How music has been incorporated into various activities of the Geneva Historical Society.
  • Intoxicating Pursuits

    July 12th, 2013
    A brief history of the temperance movement in America, the inspiration for an upcoming event hosted at Rose Hill Mansion.
  • 126th New York At Gettysburg

    July 3rd, 2013
    The 126th New York Infantry Regiment at the Battle of Gettysburg
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