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Tour of Homes
June 6th, 2014
37 High Street |
The definition of “home” varies from person to person. It might be spiritual or physical, temporary or long term. This year’s theme for the Geneva Historical Society’s Tour of Homes is What is Home. The homes and properties on the tour are each unique but they all share one thing in common – to someone they are home.
21 Jay Street |
On Saturday, June 14 from 10 am to 4 pm the following homes and properties will be on view:
715 South Main Street |
- Lochland School, 1065 Lochland Road
- Laurel Carney and David Cameron, 21 Jay Street
- Carr McGuire House, 775 South Main Street
- Jennifer Morris and James Spates, 715 South Main Street
5726 East Lake Road |
- Mark and Mary Gearan, 690 South Main Street
- Mary Lou Presutti, 511 South Main Street, Apt. 3
- The Rose Petal Inn, 41-43 North Main Street
- Marolyn Caldwell and Steven Mull, 37 High Street
5726 East Lake Road |
- First United Methodist Church, 340 Main Street
- Rose Hill Mansion, 3373 Route 96A
- Theresa and Tony Fulgieri, 5726 East Lake Road
The Tour of Homes will offer a little bit for everyone:
511 South Main Street Apt. 3 |
- Architecture – Federal ( 775 South Main), Greek Revival (690 South Main, 511 South Main and 3373 Route 96A), Eastlake Victorian (37 High), Colonial Revival (715 South Main), and Neo-Roman (340 Main)
- Art Collections – 715 and 690 South Main
- Local Author – John Allen’s second book The Spirit of Wallace Paine takes place at 775 South Main. Throughout the day he will be available to discuss the book and sign copies.
690 South Main Street |
- Geneva and World War II Connections – 775 South Main, 511 South Main, and 5726 East Lake
- Views of Seneca Lake – 715 South Main, 511 South Main, 3373 Route 96A, and 5726 East Lake
- Music – juke box (21 Jay), player piano (37 High), and organ (340 Main Street). At 4 pm there will be a 30-minute organ recital at the First United Methodist Church.
340 Main Street |
- Stained glass windows – 37 High and 340 Main Street
- Hobart and William Smith Colleges Connections – 1065 Lochland, 775 South Main, 715 South Main, and 690 South Main.
- This and that – sit in the same rooms that Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony did while visiting Geneva (1065 Lockland), see a 3 hole outhouse (37 High)Mull), find a brick with a cat’s paw print (41-43 North Main Street), and view the second oldest house in Geneva (1065 Lochland Road). Weather permitting, there will be a few classic cars on display at 3373 Route 96A.
1065 Lochland Road |
Tickets for the Tour of Homes are $20 and are available in advance at Pedulla’s Liquor Store, Stomping Grounds, the Geneva and Canandaigua Chambers of Commerce, Rose Hill Mansion, Long’s Books, and the Geneva Historical Society. On the day of the tour, tickets will be sold at the Geneva Historical Society and at the door of each house on the tour. Ticket holders will also be eligible to win a gift basket from Harry & David. Geneva Historical Society members can purchase discounted tickets only in advance of the tour at the Geneva Historical Society office. For further information, call the Historical Society office at 315-789-5151.
775 South Main Street |
The 2014 Tour of Homes is generously supported by Coldwell Banker Finger Lakes, Red Jacket Orchards and Billsboro Winery.
3373 Route 96A |
The architecture is lovely. Is it possible to arrange a walking tour of the area and even a reception in one of the houses on August 7, 2021?
I am afraid that is not something we could do. This was a fundraiser held in 2014 in private homes. The fundraiser itself has been discontinued and we do not have any walking tours based on it. We do have a couple of brochure-based walking tours available at our museum on South Main Street. For information on places available for receptions, you might try reaching out to the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, the Finger Lakes Visitors’ Connection or one of the local wineries or banquet facilities.
Hi, I visited Geneva today and while passing through was mesmerized by these beautiful historic homes. I believe these are private homes but very curious to see the architecture inside! Are there any pictures published anywhere or any more walking tours?
Thank you,
Warmly, Sylee
Yes, except for Rose Hill Mansion, which we own and is open for tours, these are all privately owned homes and not able to be viewed by the public. As I wrote to the previous commenter, we only have walking tours featuring the exterior of homes in the city. Currently our museum is closed for construction, however, when we are open we have a walking tour of South Main Street and rack card featuring the Top Ten Buildings to see in town. Neither include interior images I am afraid. You might find some images on real estate sites if they have recently changed hands or rental sites if they rent them out, but most owners are understandably reluctant to publicize the interiors of their homes given the security risk entailed these days.