DeSales High School: The Early Years
By John Marks, Curator of Collections & Exhibits
In support of our current exhibit, An Educated Citizenry: Education in Geneva, I wanted to write a blog about DeSales High School. As with most research, the information I sought was sparse and scattered. We have commencement programs, yearbooks beginning in the 1930s, and reunion booklets, but little information on the founding of the high school. If there’s a printed history out there, perhaps from one of the school’s anniversaries, we’d love to have a copy.
The Geneva newspapers at weren’t much help. Although the school began in September 1912, in the St. Francis DeSales Grammar School building, it wasn’t mentioned in the newspaper. After a few futile searches, I learned that DeSales was referred to in print as St. Francis High School, but didn’t find any articles until the 1920s.
Looking at the DeSales yearbook shelf, I initially overlooked a folder tucked among the books. It contained the first two soft-bound yearbooks, 1916 and 1919. The second book provided the best history of the school’s founding.

Father William McDonald
The two parochial schools, St. Francis DeSales and St. Stephen’s, ended at the eighth grade. A small percentage of those graduates continued on to high school or college. Locally, there was no option for Catholic students to advance and also continue “religious instruction and moral training.” Father William McDonald, St. Francis Church’s priest, was instrumental in creating the high school.
There were two departments in the new school: commercial and academic. Commercial students graduated after the 10th grade equipped with business skills. The school received its New York State Regents charter in 1913, and the first academic class graduated in 1916. There were 78 students the first year; that number rose to 170 by 1918.

St. Francis DeSales Grammar School
The high school used the second floor of St. Francis DeSales Grammar School. There were five classrooms and a large study hall. “The rooms are all bright and cheerful, well lighted, heated, ventilated and equipped with laboratory apparatus, maps, charts, and reference books adapted to the school work.” DeSales moved to Pulteney Street in 1929.
Although there were only two yearbooks for the first six years of the school, they included photos and histories of each graduating class. The 1919 yearbook reported that the commercial Class of 1916 had eight graduates, evenly divided between men and women. They were employed as stenographers, bookkeepers, and typists at two garages, a laundry, two railroads, and larger companies like American Can, and Goulds in Seneca Falls.

Sister M. Caroina Mahoney, Class of 1917; Sister Anna DeSales’ Smead, Class of 1916; Sister M. Callista Mahoney, Class of 1916; and Sister Rose Angela Noonan, Class of 1916
There was also a report of the first three academic classes. Twelve went to college, seven took the commercial course, four women became Sisters of St. Joseph, three were teachers, and three were studying nursing.
There is much more to the early story of DeSales High School, but I will save it for another blog and possibly a video.
The exhibit, An Educated Citizenry: Education in Geneva, is on display through Spring 2021.
Dear Mr Marks,
I just found a document that belonged to my grandma and it is a graduation certificate from St Francis de sales grammar School dated 1928. I wonder if the yearbooks you speak of might have her in it? Is there a way I can privately message you?
Thank you
I have passed your message on to John and he will contact you directly.
To Whom It May Concern: I am researching my father’s history before he entered the Navy during World War II. His military records indicate that he graduated St. Francis DeSales High School in 1942. Is there a year book or other documents from his time at the school? Thank you for your time.
I will send your question to our archivist to let you know what we have that might help you.