
Well House and Garden Shed Roof Project

June 28th, 2024

By Mel Oles, Visitor Services and Program Manager at Rose Hill Mansion and Johnston House

Located on the grounds of Rose Hill are two outbuildings – the well house and garden shed. The well house has historical significance as it was essential for providing water to the Mansion and gardens. It represents a time when access to clean water was not as simple as turning on a tap and showcases the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the builders who constructed it. Though the garden shed was added to the property in 1974, its location near the former boxwood garden is in keeping with the character of the site.

past and current photos of the well house at Rose Hill.

Well house at Rose Hill.

While working on another project I noticed the roofs on both buildings were decaying. After assessing the condition of each building and conducting research, several individuals donated their time, equipment and expertise to help me develop a plan to re-roof both buildings and to do the work. Materials were purchased from local lumber stores.

From replacing the rotted wood to painting the exteriors there was a lot to do. As of the end of June, the roofs on both buildings have been replaced and the exteriors have a fresh coat of paint. I want to thank the following people for donating their tools, time, experience, and more – Steve and Lynn Oles, Chris Jendrick, Ron Press, Andrew Raeman, and Connie Strong Serrett.

This project has brought the well house and garden shed back to life.

3 responses to “Well House and Garden Shed Roof Project”

  1. MJ Benda says:

    A big shout out and thank you to Steve and Lynn Oles! They not only drove 3 hours to get here, each way, they did it twice! They worked through unrelenting heat and long days. Along the way they encountered numerous challenges, the kind that only buildings decades old hold as surprises. They patiently worked through each one and the end result is specular. Thanks to their efforts, these outbuildings will continue to grace our landscape for many years to come. Imagine, the conversations and disbelief years from now–“that’s how they got their water…didn’t they have a faucet?”
    I would like to add another person to the list of those to be thanks, Mel Oles. She not only organized the project, shopped for materials, asked for advice and learned along the way, but in addition she was right there lending a hand all along the way.
    Kudos to all of you for a job incredibly well done!!

  2. Inga-Mai (Pim) Larsson-Kovach says:

    To all of you a big thank you for rejuvenate the historic Well House and the Garden Shed.
    The look beautiful.
    Thanks Mel for paying attention and look out for all the things that need to be done at Rose Hill


  3. Constance Strong Serrett says:

    I followed Mel’s progress on this project closely . She provided excellent pictures of the restoration of the well house and garden shed .
    The garden shed was on the property in 1958 . It was located a ways behind the portico slightly to the south My grandfather had a huge vegetable garden and kept his tools in the shed .
    The well house was not on the property until the 1970s . It is believed to be the original but had been sold by (before 1958 ) Mr Welch to a historic farm on East Lake Road .
    I will search for earlier pictures of the garden shed .
    It is obvious that Mel cares for the Rose Hill property as if it were a beloved relative .
    I can feel her joy and curiosity as she tackles each project !
    Thank you Mel and volunteers!
    Constance Strong Serrett

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