
2024 Rose Hill Intern

September 6th, 2024

By Zooey Gastelo, Intern

Hello, my name is Zooey Gastelo, and I had the pleasure of being the 2024 Summer Intern at Rose Hill Mansion. I am currently enrolled in Hobart and William Smith Colleges where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in American Studies, and minoring in Critical Museum Studies.  Through the Career Services Program, I was able to embark on the opportunity to take my learning beyond the classroom and immerse myself in the environment of a historic house museum.

During my first week, I could already sense how amazing of a community Historic Geneva is.  My fellow tour guides, Mel, Becky and John, all play an integral role in keeping the history of the families that passed through the mansion alive. Through their connections I was able to learn about the various histories of the Finger Lakes, as well as observe and engage in the level of work involved in being a tour guide, an archivist, and a historian. I now have a better understanding about the skills involved with working in a historic house museum, and it
will serve as an amazing foundation for any other museum related opportunities I pursue.

For my culminating project at Rose Hill, I took part in designing a special tour that highlights female artists of the Finger Lakes, which is set to open next year. Developing the tour involved in-depth research pertaining to the artistic, social, and cultural significance of art produced by women, as well as providing some understanding behind the process of design and craft of each work. Additionally, a supplemental exhibit showcasing the various works of women from Historic Geneva’s collection will be displayed in the East Tenant Cottage next season. Aside from strengthening my research skills, I also had the pleasure of leading group tours, which helped me improve my public speaking abilities.

Overall, my time at Rose Hill Mansion was an experience that I will never forget. I am so fortunate to be able to gain the skills, knowledge and connections from everyone that I worked with!

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One response to “2024 Rose Hill Intern”

  1. MJ Benda says:

    What a pleasure it was working with you. I remember just before your first tour; you were understandingly nervous. When you came back into the Carriage House, you had a brilliant smile, and I knew you’d not only done well but enjoyed the experience. I hope this is the beginning of a very successful career path for you.
    Thanks for spending the summer with us!

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