Blog » Category: Food and Cooking

  • Isenman’s Ice Cream

    March 14th, 2025
    A brief history of Isenman’s Ice Cream.
  • Kitchen Gardens

    October 27th, 2023
    Information about kitchen gardens and food in the 19th century.
  • Apple Cider in Popular Culture

    October 13th, 2023
    As a symbol of a simpler time, apple cider has appeared in popular culture, including paintings, songs, and even a Presidential election.
  • Collecting Geneva’s Food Traditions

    March 24th, 2023
    Help us expand our collection of recipes, cookbooks and documented food traditions. Share your Geneva recipes with us and let us know why they matter to you.
  • What Does Your Kitchen Say About You And How You Live?

    September 24th, 2021
    A comparison of Rose Hill Mansion's kitchen and modern today kitchens.
  • Zucchini: Its History and Uses

    September 11th, 2020
    An over abundance of zucchini, led to curiosity about its history.
  • Beer Brewing in Early Geneva

    June 21st, 2019
    Find out more about beer brewing in early Geneva.
  • Cookbooks Can Tell Many Stories

    September 21st, 2018
    Local history through cookbooks
  • Dickens and the Christmas Pudding

    December 1st, 2017
    Where did the Christmas pudding come from and why don't Americans eat it?
  • Cordial and Nourishing: Early Wine History of the Finger Lakes

    August 24th, 2017
    Using newspapers to trace the early history of wine in the Finger Lakes.
  • Yummy, Ice Cream!

    April 15th, 2016
    Let me start by saying that I LOVE Ice Cream! I guess I am not alone, either
  • 1960s Food: From Jello to Mastering French Cooking

    November 6th, 2015
    Like much of what happened in the decade, 1960s food spanned extremes from French haute cuisine to Spaghetti-Os and back again.
  • Geography of Food in the 1940s

    December 18th, 2014
    “Food deserts” are a current topic in government and academic research. The US Department of Agriculture defines the term as “urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. Instead of supermarkets and grocery stores, these communities may have no food access or are served only by fast food restaurants and convenience stores that offer few healthy, affordable food options. More »
  • Rationing and Recipes

    November 7th, 2014
    When I was in high school girls took “home economics” classes and boys took “shop” classes. I remember coming home from the first cooking class in home economics and showing my mom what foods they were going to teach us to prepare. My mother was not impressed, for that matter I wasn’t either. I only remember 3 or 4 of the recipes, but one was More »
  • Food Preservation: From Home to Factory

    October 31st, 2013
    During the 19th century, Genevans went from preserving food at home in order to be able to eat to purchasing luxury preserved foods in stores.
  • Early Food Preservation in the Finger Lakes

    August 30th, 2013
    Food preservation techniques of the Iroquois and European settlers.
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