Geneva’s Diverse Communities Online Resources
Explore Geneva’s diverse communities through blog articles, short videos, exhibits, oral histories and other online resources.
Native Americans
Watch a short video about Seneca Foodways.
African Americans
Read blog articles on Hobart student Alger Adams, slavery in New York State and at Rose Hill, the kidnapping of Daniel Prue, civil rights activist Benjamin Cleggett, painter Robert Duncanson, teacher Nathan Tappan Condol, Geneva and the Civil Rights Movement, Emancipation Celebrations, 1972 Geneva High School Student Walkout, veterans buried at Glenwood Cemetery, Notable Genevans, and segregated schools.
Watch videos about Geneva’s Black churches and an overview of local Black history. Explore online lessons plans on painter Robert S. Duncanson.
Listen to oral histories from Charles Kenney, Rosa Blue, Harry Gramling, Al Dion Robinson, Ed and Henryetta McDonald, McKinley Flowers, James and Beth Henderson, Cora Williams Wells, and Jim Richmond.
Read a blog article about the Spanish Association of the Finger Lakes
Read blog articles about St. Patrick’s Cemetery, local Irish history, and Rose Hill’s domestic servants.
Watch a short video about St. Patrick’s Cemetery.
Listen to oral histories from Florence Coursey, George Hanlon, Michael McDonald, and Mary Baxter.

A few photos of Syrians from our community were found in naturalization paperwork after 1930. Photo of Abraham Sahaid.
Read a blog article about St. Patrick’s Cemetery.
Watch a video about Torrey Park.
Listen to oral histories from Frances Christiano, James Pedulla, John Church, and Livia DelPapa DeSio.
Explore Torrey Park through a short video, an interactive map or exhibit.
Listen to oral histories from Leonard Kornet and Dr. Erich Hirsch.
Read a blog article about the Syrian community.
Listen to oral histories from John Kashouty, Elizabeth Moses, Thomas Baroody, and Abe George
Read blog articles about Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, William Smith College Athletics, Alice Seward and World War I, landscape architect Marian Cruger Coffin, cartoonist Mary Flanigan Gauerke, educator Elizabeth Ricord, the local suffrage movement, the 1907 New York State Suffrage Association Convention held in Geneva, baseball umpire Bernice Gera, Helen Moore Quigley, Rhoda Palmer, journalist Mildred Jennings, Geneva’s Women Free Rest Room Association, Marjorie Hucker, Rhoda Palmer, and author Sarah Bradford.
Watch a short video about local women’s history, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell and the local suffrage movement.
Explore the exhibit Good Results Have Followed: The Women’s Rights Movement in Geneva.
Listen to oral histories from Helen Maney, Dorothy Bodine, Florence B. Licht, Virginia Barton, Alice Bosworth, Caroline Hobbins, Gertrude Davids, Sylvia Daykin, Rose Flick, Jane Stauff, and more.
Watch short videos about local holiday traditions and Rose Hill workers.
View exhibits about immigration in New York State, 1650-1950
View photos and stories on our Instagram.
Listen to the American Issues Forums from 1976: Geneva A City of Many Nations and Growing Up In America
Search our available finding aids and list of archival collections through the Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative.